Consider this a friendly little PSA about the series we have repeatedly touted as the best new show of the season: Starz'sOutlander.
You fans may have heard that the next episode will feature a moment from the books that is one of the most disturbing scenes of the entire book series.
That is true.
You might also think that if you read the books, you will be somewhat prepared.
That is….not true.
I’m not going to spoil anything for you. But I do feel the need to warn you that whatever you are expecting, prepare yourself for…More.
Not only is it something that has never really been portrayed in this way on television before. But it is raw. It’s detailed. It’s horrifying and it is, at times, even hard to watch. It’s also the kind of thing you cannot stop thinking about after the credits roll.
You may find yourself asking: Why? Why did it have to go down this way? Why were some of the choices made? Really just: Whyyyyyyy????????? The answer, dear friends, might come for you toward the end of the season one finale, when two characters (I won’t spill who, cause #spoilers) share what is perhaps the most beautifully scene ever to have aired on television. I found myself unable to breathe, uncontrollably sobbing, and experiencing a connection that felt more palpable than anything I’ve seen on TV in recent…oh, who am I kidding?, ever.The ugliest scene ever on TV. Followed by the most beautiful scene ever on TV.All within the span of an hour.
And that’s why, as we prepare for the worst, we also must pause and realize that Outlander deserves some very real praise for being, hands down, the bravest on TV. And, hey, how about some loads of Emmy nominations, while we’re at it.You want to talk about risk? You want to talk about challenge? You just wait.What happens in the next two episodes of Outlander is an unforgettable viewing experience that can only be compared to labor—painful, but the outcome will bring such hopefulness and light. You will have a physical reaction. I did.Buckle. Up.The penultimate episode of Outlander’s first season airs this Saturday on Starz.
Нравится мне Кристина)И спойлеры всегда даёт,и по делу напишет... Я вот умом понимаю,что всё закончится в итоге хорошо,нам уже и самую красивую сцену пообещали, но как представлю,что перед всем этим будет Это нереально,это нереально,это нереально Буду повторять,как мантру
В данный момент у меня "нервно задергался глаз" Как это так,всего лишь последние 5 минут?
У меня тоже чего-то задергалось Может быть, Кристина просто со своей колокольни на вещи смотрит, для нее свет в конце туннеля наступит лишь в конце, а для меня просвет начнется сразу же как Джейми вытащат из лап этого садиста, а ведь, это не может случиться лишь в 16 серии. Всего 2 серии до конца сезона на всего про все, нереально.
Цитатаokk ()
Но мне понравится и то, что будет до ванн: просыпание после "изгнания демонов", "согрей мне я*ца", "теперь я заслужил поесть мяса?"))))
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