поиск Cat26 и DanaCat Спасибо вам девочки, что открыли для нас мир ангелочков!
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
1 перевод: Они оба невероятно привлекательные люди. Наверное, из-за этого наблюдать за их отношениями так интересно.
Кристен очень красива, на свете есть очень много девушек, которые не любят ее. (Они знают, что она очень привлекательная, и это служит поводом их заниженной самооценки и зависти. Вот почему они так ненавидят Кристен). Есть мужчины, которые мечтают о том, чтобы быть с Кристен. Она относится к тому типу людей, которые не понимают, насколько они красивы. Раньше она выглядела как мальчик, но эта девушка нашла себя, в течение последних нескольких лет. Исчезли вытянутое лицо, и мальчишеская внешность, которые придавали ей внешность сорванца. Цветочек превратился в прекрасную, долгожданную розу.
В некоторых случаях люди используют свою внешность, как преимущество. Никки Рид очень уверенна в своей внешности, Она унаследовала хорошие гены. Она, практически, получает все, что хочет в жизни – как ее героиня Розалии – В то время, как Кристен вообще не думала, чтобы пойти таким путем. Она еще один человек, который витает в облаках и не любит быть замеченным…за исключением, конечно, Роба.
Роб…от его имени все девочки теряют рассудок. Но он тоже относится к другому типу людей. Он не воспринимает свою внешность серьезно. Еще один человек, который видит себя не так, как его видят другие. Вот почему, когда кто-то видит в нем Божество, он ужасно смущается. Он может добиться кого угодно, особенно в Голливуде. Существуют тысячи людей, которые отдали бы все, лишь бы провести с ним минутку. Но провести не с ним, а с его персонажем. Роб это прекрасно понимает, что в нем видят его героя, а не его самого. Но, все-таки, он удержал одного человека. Ту, которая не выглядит, как все эти однообразные красотки. Ту, которая не любит привлекать всеобщее внимание. Очень независимую. Ту, которая не любит, чтоб к ней относились как к «девочке».
Маленькая девушка, с зелеными глазами ворвалась как ураган в его сознание. Такая независимая. Она сразу привлекла его внимание. Она не боится сказать, если кто-то ее раздражает. Она не боится высказывать свои мысли. И эту ярко выраженную независимость, боятся некоторые мужчины. Никто не любит женщин с такой яркой жизненной позицией. Но, Роб ценит несколько иные качества.
Как я однажды говорила раньше, они как две стороны одной монеты. Если вы ее разделите пополам, а потом соедините, то рисунок идеально сойдется. Так и они. Они идеально понимают друг друга. В Голливуде практически нет настоящих браков, за исключением брака Джоэнн Вудворд и Пола Ньюмана. Это один из немногих не «Голливудских» союзов. Они влюбились друг в друга во время совместной работы Оба поженились без шумихи. Оба решили не говорить прессе о своей женитьбе Оба жили своей работой. И не обращали внимания на все эти гламурные общественные мероприятия, за исключением церемоний награждения, где Пол или Джоэнн были номинированы. Оба игнорировали все эти уловки СМИ: наигранную заинтересованность в пиар-романах. Несмотря на многочисленные слухи о «дамском угоднике» Ньюмане, ни один из них так и не оказался правдой. И они остались с Джоэнн вместе, до самой его смерти.
Наверное, так Роб и Кристен видят свою жизнь. Они очень усердно работают как самостоятельно, так и вместе. Оба любят свое дело и наслаждаются, когда видят, как высоко фанаты оценили их работу. Но в то же время они остаются верными себе. Их не ослепляет слава.
Они «владеют» друг другом и понимают друг друга. И оба, наверное, думают, почему на Земле есть те, кто ими заинтересован? Потому что они не видят друг друга в том свете, в каком их видят другие. Кристен в полной мере осознает то, что Роб «великолепный», а он находит ее «сногсшибательно красивой». Но они не умеют красиво принимать комплименты. Кристен закатывает глаза, а Роб начинает истерически смеяться.
Они прекрасно подходят друг другу. Вот почему люди, которые их ненавидят, так хотят разлучить их.
перевод LittleGirlMolly
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
THIS will be a very long post so take a cup of coffee in your hand if you want to read further....
Lets look at Kristen not as the actress who has grown up in Hollywood surrounded by actors of all walks of life and cut her teeth into the acting world and has the inner confidence of a young girl who knows what she wants and how she can push herself into roles and get the best out of herself, but a young naive in all senses of the emotional world 17 year old.
She has had a fairly decent life, good job wonderful parents and a small but meaningful circle of friends (MA included as he is/was her friend from the movie Speak)
She gets told she is to start working with this guy she has never met before and never heard of before and while she is studying for her exams she goes along to meet him. The guy is for all intents and purposes not like any other person she has met. He is shy, charming, awkward and softly spoken, she meets him and feels some kind of connection and in some ways is appeased by his shyness as any other males she has been in contact (including brothers) are fairly confident people (goes with the job)
They hit it off, not only hit it off but she is left with a strange feeling about him, undescribable feeling she has never experienced before thanks largely to having to kiss him (part of her job) but there is more to the kiss than a simple experiement to see if they can work together. She doesn't see him for a few months, goes about her life like she had previously before and then it comes the time when she meets once more and finds that pull again in seeing him, a very strange feeling that once again she has never had any knowledge of before, a feeling that actually scares her and makes her feel awkward and clumsy.
Friendships get formed with other work colleagues and while she is being hospitable and friendly the guy has withdrawn himself a little which is odd and a bit rude but she plays along with it. Then he does a turnaround and starts shyly talking to her, she can get this so she goes along playing it cool and looking as if it doesn't bother her, after all he had done the same thing to her right? He stumbles and bumbles and while you find him cute and silly you are still a bit miffed he had originally ignored you. He talks about books and you love that he talks about books because you love reading. He talks about movies and you love that because you have a love for all types of movies, especially the classics. He talks with intelligence and you feel yourself being pulled under because you once more find something in common with him, he seems to have been educated well, his clipped english accent is another key factor that makes your head buzz with excitement because you could listen to him for hours. He apologises for treating you weirdly at the beginning because he was trying to get into the role and the head of the character he was playing and you admit to yourself finally that he is definitely the perfect person for the role because this is exactly how you approach your work, completely put yourself into the characters life and that is one more barrier he has taking down.
This goes on and on the more time you spend with him the more you mourn when you have to leave. You feel tugged towards him just being around him and that messes with your brain. You feel it's just the role you are playing, just the situation that you are in and not you but your character, at least that's what you keep telling yourself. Meanwhile he is being flirtatious with you, smiling and laughing at everything you do, he even suggests you both get married but you can't take him serious because he is a bit of a clown and likes messing around so you rebuff him time and time again.
(if her resolve dig break down at this stage *kissing* it would have happened around this time)
You become friends with a girl who is has a different view to life than you have and you suddenly feel that you haven't lived your life at all, that you have spent the last few years working constantly and have had no social life to think of but this girl tells you things and speaks of situations you would have never put yourself in, she is also friends with a guy you are close to and with your bosses trying to make it seem that you are more than just good friends for the publicity and to keep your name out of the papers because the media think you and your male co star are having some kind of relationship - you go along with it, you don't like it but you go along with it because REPS keep saying you are a young girl and it would look bad for your image to be linked with someone who is a good four years older than you...
But the more you are in the other persons company the more you can't help the feelings that are bombarding you. Try as you might to justify the emotions are purely down to your job and the character you are playing, there is something that still plays on your conscience, the fact that he is that humble and trustworthy that you find your self at times unable to resist his smiles and warranted attention, even though you are being force fed information from another claiming he is a player and spends most nights out in bars. This annoys you because you don't like to be played and the person you are with everyday doesn't sound like the person who goes out drinking every night and is a bit of a 'lad'
the job you are doing comes to an end and you find yourself missing his company although you dare not tell anyone because all that does is cause panic and your family and those that control the 'working side of your life' become anxious in case the publicity is bad for you, even though you are now 18 and feel that some part of your life you should be able to control. You go off and do another job, emmerse yourself in the character and try and forget the other project you have just left and the person you had shared a close bond with. promotions of the job sees you once more in the spotlight, you meet him again and that rush of emotions is still there only stronger, you forgot how charming he was, how wonderful his smile and laugh is and means to you, how his eyes seem to light up whenever he looks at you and even though you have tried to put this all down to the characters you have been playing...it's still there, that unmistakable pull of your heart and the rush of adrenaline when he is around. You smile to the cameras you are polite to those who question you but deep down inside you know you are acting like a robot because you have been told to be like one. You hate this, you hate all the falsness that is part of what you have to deal with, you would love to tell people what you really think but you are restrained. Youth sucks as far as you are concerned so you keep getting the digs in like a spoilt brat, at least then people listen. He however is forever gracious and that annoys the h3ll out of you as well, you want him to get angry and annoyed and when you approach him about it he explains that he cant or he will never be able to get another job again in your country.
That makes you worse, how dare people play with your life, how dare people threaten others if they don't do as they ask then they will find themselves out of work! You let things slip, a birthday present, a confirmation of the chemistry your boss has been steadily going on and on about, a confirmation that you know this person better than anyone else, a closeness you both share and a smile that is reserved only for him. Your punishement...you are sent on promotional work with the 'boyfriend' your bosses want to flaunt around and he is everywhere even though you know he has work of his own...his schedule has been cleared with a handsome sum of money to play the part.
This annoys you even further, yet you have no say in the matter because this movies success lies on the fact that you do what you are told when you are told even though you could pull some heads off because of it - this is your chance of getting a movie seen by more than a handful of people, it will make your career easier to get other 'decent roles' if you do your part. The money means nothing the notoriety means absolutely **** all but the job has its perks and if that means landing jobs that you would have been passed over for...then this small sacrifice is worth it?
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Это будет очень длинный пост. Так что возьмите большую чашку кофе, если хотите читать дальше.
Давайте посмотрим на Кристен не как на актрису, которая выросла в Голливуде, в окружении одних актеров. Ее первые шаги в актерстве, эта внутренняя уверенность молодой девушки в том, чего она хочет, выдавали самые лучшие ее качества. Молодая, наивная, во всех смыслах, 17-летняя девушка, этого нестабильного мира.
У нее была достойная жизнь, замечательные родители, и небольшой, но важный круг друзей. (Включая Майкла Ангарано, который был\остается ее другом со времен съемок фильма «Говори»).
Ей сказали, что надо начинать работу с парнем, которого она никогда раньше не видела и, о котором раньше не слышала. И пока она готовится к экзаменам в школе, она с ним встречается. Этот парень во всех смыслах отличался от всех остальных парней, которых она раньше встречала. Он застенчивый, обаятельный. Она встречает его и чувствует с ним некую связь. И в некоторых случаях она умиляется его стеснительностью, так как другие мужчины, которых она раньше встречала, были очень открытыми (братья в том числе), а люди, которых она встречала на работе очень прямолинейные.
Они находят общий язык, но она чувствовала к нему странное чувство. Во время поцелуя с ним (часть ее работы) она почувствовала странное, необъяснимое чувство, которое раньше никогда не испытывала. Но есть что-то большее, чем просто «рабочий» поцелуй.
Она не видела его несколько месяцев. Меняется ее прежняя жизнь, но проходит время, и она снова встречает его, и понимает, что ее снова тянет к нему. Она не испытывала ничего подобного. Чувство, которое пугает ее, заставляет ее чувствовать себя неловко и неуклюже.
Дружба завязывалась между ней и одиноким, замкнутым, странным парнем, который был немножко грубым, но она подыгрывала этому. Потом он полностью изменился и стал робко с ней говорить. Она дала понять, что эти разговоры совсем не мешают ей, а потом он сделал то же самое, правильно? Он оступался и путался и, пока вы находили его милым, и вели себя немножко глупо, это выводило его из себя, и он игнорировал вас. Он говорил о книгах, и вам нравилось, что он говорит о книгах, потому что вы любите читать. Он говорил о фильмах, и вам нравилось, что он говорит о фильмах потому, что вы любите все фильмы, особенно классику. В его словах был глубокий смысл, и вы чувствуете, что вас затягивает. Вы пытаетесь найти что-то общее с ним. У него прекрасное образование. Он использует свой английский акцент, как еще один ключ к вашему сердцу. Его голос заставляет что-то жужжать в вашей голове, быть очень взволнованной, так, вы можете слушать его часами, как зачарованная. Он извиняется за то, что сначала так с вами обращался, потому что он пытался лучше прочувствовать своего героя. Наконец-то вы согласились с собой в том, что он идеально подходит на эту роль, потому что то, как он подходит к своей работе, вживается в образ героя… Это был очередной барьер, который он преодолел.
Все продолжается и продолжается. И чем больше времени вы проводите с ним, тем больше вам не хочется уходить. Вы чувствуете тягу к нему, и вы хотите быть рядом с ним, вот, что наводит беспорядок в ваших мыслях. Вы чувствуете, что это всего лишь роль, которую надо сыграть, просто ситуация, в которой вы находитесь, да и не вы вовсе, а ваши герои. Вот, что вы продолжаете себе говорить. При этом, он еще с вами флиртует, улыбается и смеется над всем, что вы делаете. Он даже предлагает вам пожениться, но вы не воспринимаете его серьезно, потому что он слишком часто шутит. Так что вы отказываете ему снова и снова.
(Скорее всего, ее решение поменялось во время съемок сцены *поцелуя* или приблизительно в то время)
** Вы сдружились с девушкой, у которой другой взгляд на жизнь. Внезапно вы понимаете, что раньше своей жизнью и не жили. Все, чем вы занимались последние пару лет – усердно работали. А другой жизни-то у вас и не было, но эта девушка рассказала вам такие истории и жизненные ситуации, в которые поставить себя вы бы никогда не решились. Она так же дружит с парнем, у которого с вами тоже замечательные отношения, а ваши боссы пытаются показать все так, как будто вы больше, чем просто друзья, и сохранить ваши имена на первых полосах газет. Потому как СМИ думают, что вы и ваш партнер по фильму встречаетесь. Вы решаетесь смириться с этим, вам не нравится, но вы все-таки решаете смириться. А еще говорили, что будет нехорошо увидеть молоденькую девушку, встречающуюся с парнем, который на 4 года ее старше.
Но чем больше вы находитесь в его компании, тем отчетливее понимаете, что чувства берут вверх над вами. Вы пытаетесь оправдать их своей работой, героиней, которую играете, но все равно остается то, что играет на вашей совести. Он такой простой и надежный, вы не можете противостоять его улыбке, и не можете не обращать на него внимания. Несмотря на то, что «источники» сказали вам, что он игрок, и большинство своих ночей проводит в барах вы все равно остаетесь рядом с ним .Вас безумно раздражают слухи, поскольку вы не хотите быть обманутой, а человек, с которым вы проводите каждый день не выглядит так, как будто он напивается каждую ночь и он не выглядит как «плохой парень».
Работа подходит к концу, и вы понимаете, что вам его не хватает. Хотя, вы никому этого не говорите, потому что это посеет панику в вашей семье и те, которые контролируют «рабочую часть вашей жизни» станут беспокоиться, о том, что публика воспримет это не очень хорошо, хотя, вам уже исполнилось 18. И теперь кажется, что некоторую часть вашей жизни вы сможете контролировать. Вы беретесь за другую работу, погружаясь с головой в свою героиню, и стараясь забыть о проекте, который вы только что закончили и о человеке, с которым у вас такая тесная связь. Благодаря промоушенам вы опять оказываетесь в центре внимания, вы опять встречаете его, и понимаете, что ваши чувства стали еще сильнее, вы забыли о том, какой он очаровательный, какая у него прекрасная улыбка и смех, и вы забыли тот блеск в его глазах, когда он смотрит на вас. Хотя вам уже надоело спихивать это все на героев, вы все еще продолжаете играть. Все осталось на своем месте, это отчетливое сердцебиение и выброс адреналина каждый раз, когда вы видите его. Вы улыбаетесь на камеру, вы вежливы с теми, кто задает вам вопросы, но где-то в глубине души, вы понимаете, что играете как робот, потому что вам сказали это делать. Вы ненавидите это, вы ненавидите то, что вам приходится иметь с этим дело. Вы бы хотели рассказать людям то, что вы действительно думаете, но вы не можете… Молодежь начинает интересоваться, так что вам приходится делать это снова, пока люди не перестанут слушать. А он как всегда слишком добр. Это ужасно раздражает вас, потому что вы хотите, чтобы он тоже злился, и когда вы говорите ему об этом, он поясняет вам, что не может, потому что он никогда больше не получит работу в вашей стране.
Вы чувствуете себя еще хуже. Как у людей хватает наглости так играть с вашей жизнью, как у людей хватает наглости угрожать другим людям? Если они не соглашаются с угрозами, то они остаются без работы! Вы дали дорогу всем этим вещам: подарок на день рождения, подтверждение информации о химии, а ваш босс все не может успокоиться. Вы понимаете, что знаете этого человека лучше, чем кто-либо другой. Ваша близость, скрытые улыбки. Ваше наказание…Вас отправили в промотур вместе с вашим «парнем». Боссы захотели выставить его на показ и теперь, он везде. Хотя вы знаете, что у него своя собственная работа. Его график уладили большой суммой денег, заплатили за то, чтобы он играл роль.
Это раздражает вас еще больше. Но у вас нет права говорить потому, что успех фильма зависит от ваших действий. Вам говорят, что нужно говорить. Вы можете добиться успеха, это ваш шанс сделать фильм более популярным. Потому что в дальнейшем вам будет проще получить «достойные роли». Деньги ничего не значат, известность - *****. Эта маленькая рабочая жертва стоит того?
перевод LittleGirlMolly
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
He hates this, hates all of it you know because you can feel his pain (Rome) he tells you how he feels over and over, he is honest and decent and truthful all the qualities you thought never existed in men and he is willing to step aside and allow them to dictate and control him...for now. You know it's killing him, you know him long enough now to know he doesn't like being told what to do and what to expect, he has already made it perfectly clear his feelings for you but you are still unsure if this is real or its just the situaiton you where both placed in, naivety is stopping you from making any decision that is going to govern your life, considering you are being told it would be bad for your image, bad for your career if you were to embark on a relationship that may or may not end happily. You are told you are just going through the emotions of a typical teenage crush, how could you know seriously how you feel inside?
You can't cross that line even if you want to even if everything in your body is telling you to, the risk might kill you. You let him know this, and he tries to understand but he knows how he feels and it has nothing to do with him being a teenager, he knows what he wants and to your surprise it's you. You give him hints that you feel the same, you show him in touches and glances that you understand and for what little you can give him, he is grateful...for now.
The pressure of selling this project is emmense you feel physically and emotionally drained pulled from one side to the other. Everyone feels they know what you want, everyone believes they are doing this for the best. You turn to your family because they have always been there yet even they can't make the decisions for you, you mum who has always been the strongest in your life allows you to make the decision that will be the one that you can live with. Rebelling hasn't worked other than give yourself another name for those that dislke you to attack with. You withdraw and take stock of your life, he's being sent home, yet more punishment you can't deal with. You know hes been missing his family and you can deal with that but not the seperation. You go about your life as before and through yourself into the next potentional project something you want so desperately it hurts. You get the call and it's a go later on in the following year. You have his email you have his phone number and you tell him. He is pleased but he sounds distant, this hurts because you know he is hurting and you can't stand hurting someone that means so much to you.
You talk sometimes for hours, each telling everything that has happened. You wish each other a merry christmas, a small consolation for not being there to say it in person. You know he is coming back the following month because he has work he has to do, you have been offered it as well so you discuss it. without better knowledge when you are waiting to see him, hoping nothing has changed in the way he feels about the situation, you have so many things you have to do, a short trip for a festival and then the project you are both doing when you are told you are not needed. This annoys you because once more you're life is being dicated to you and how you should run it. Your family sympathese with you because they know that you are being played around with and it hurts them as much as it hurts you. You are tired of the show you have been putting on, even so much as going outside your own front door the press are waiting and it's infuriating what do they want - blood?
Another stab in the heart is the fact you know the seperation is killing you so it must be doing the same thing to him. You worry that while he is in his own country he might decide to just 'go with the flow' and meet someone, even though he makes it very clear everytime you talk that this is not the case...he is waiting for you to make your decision. You watch him on the TV and smile at the hair that has slowly grown back (his rebellion) and smile at his speech, knowing possibly he might have changed the words slightly or decided to ad lib as he is custom to doing sometimes - ever the one to see things his way and from his point of view, ever the clever one.
He knows you will be watching you know your father will look out for him, both your parents fully understand the way the business works and know full well the cr*ap you have gone through. You make it through promotion time even have a quiet chat with the boss of your previous project, you have made up your mind, no more pretending, no more hiding your feelings. She understands and sympathises after all, she was the one who had seen what you could become right from the very beginning and tried to hold it off long enough for you to come to terms with your feelings. She knew you don't fall into things lightly, she also knew that being so young you might have ended up getting yourself in over your head but could also see the feelings he had didn't go away but got stronger.
You go to Japan, another promotion only this time without the restraints, you take your brother as you are told you shouldn't travel on your own, but you can't help feeling like a schoolgirl again, giddy with excitment. You see him and everything disappears, all the nonesense you went through, the lies you were force fed, the excuses you had to use to the media even though they were lies and you wanted to be truthful and explain this...what good would it have done?
Everything falls into place, you are honest with him and he is honest with you. The challenge is there, will you take it?
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Он рассказывает вам, что чувствует снова и снова, он честный, порядочный, вы даже не подозревали, что такие качества могут быть в мужчине. Он готов отойти в сторону и дать им возможность контролировать себя…Пока готов. Вы знаете, что это убивает его. Вы знаете его достаточно, чтобы понять, что он терпеть не может, когда ему говорят что делать, и чего ждать дальнейших действий. Он уже сказал вам, что чувствует, но вы все еще не уверенны, правда это, или просто влияние ситуации, в которой вы оба оказались. Наивность или неопытность останавливают вас от принятия решения, которое перевернет вашу жизнь. А вам говорят, что для вашего образа это будет плохо. Будет минусом для вашей карьеры, если вы начнете отношения, которые закончатся или не закончатся счастливо. Вам сказали, что это просто эмоции влюбленного подростка. Откуда ж вам знать, что вы чувствуете внутри!
Вы не можете переступить черту, даже если вы хотите этого, даже если ваш разум говорит вам сделать это, риск может убить вас. Вы рассказываете ему об этом, он пытается понять, но он знает что чувствует, и списывать это на чувство подростка бессмысленно. Он знает, чего хочет - это вы. Вы делаете ему намеки на то, что чувствуете то же самое. Вы показываете это через прикосновения, взгляды. Вы понимаете, как мало вы даете ему, но он благодарен вам и за это…на данный момент.
Влияние этого проекта огромно. Вы чувствуете, и эмоциональную, и физическую опустошенность. Все думают, что знают, чего вы хотите. Все думают, что делают все из лучших побуждений. Вы возвращаетесь в семью потому, что они не принимают решения за вас. Мама, которая всегда была самым сильным человеком в вашей жизни, говорит вам принять то решение, которое подсказывает сердце. Но ваше «восстание» не сработало с теми, кто не привык называть вещи своими именами, с теми, кто не любит вас. Вы подвели итоги своей жизни. Его отправили домой - это самое жестокое наказание, с которым вы не можете смириться. Вы скучаете по его семье. С этим еще как-то смириться можно, но не с разлукой друг с другом. Вы думаете о своей будущей жизни и о будущих проектах. О проекте в следующем году. У вас есть его email, телефонный номер и вы часто с ним разговариваете. Он рад, но голос его звучит как-то далеко. Вам больно, потому что вы знаете, что ему больно, а вы не можете доставить боль человеку, который так дорог вам
Иногда вы разговариваете часами, рассказываете друг другу о том, что произошло. Вы желаете друг другу счастливого рождества, слабое утешение от того, что не можете сказать это лично. Вы знаете, что он приедет в следующем месяце, так как есть работа, которую надо выполнять. Вы обсуждаете это. Вы не можете дождаться того момента, когда снова увидите его, надеясь, что его чувства не изменились. У вас есть так много дел, которые надо сделать: съездить на фестиваль, а потом опять проект, в котором вы оба задействованы, когда вам сказали, что вы не нужны. Это вас раздражает, потому как это еще одно препятствие, которое надо преодолеть. Ваша семья вам сочувствует, потому что знает, как вами манипулируют. Это делает больно ему так же, как делает больно вам. Вы устали от того, как из вашей жизни делают шоу. Возле дверей вашего дома дежурят папарацци. Это ужасно бесит. Чего они хотят? -Крови.
Еще одна вещь, которая разрывает ваше сердце – это то, что вы вдали друг от друга. Это тоже сводит его с ума. Вы беспокоитесь, что пока он в своей стране, он просто будет «плыть по течению» и встретит кого-нибудь. Хотя, он каждый раз дает вам понять, что он не такой. Он ждет, пока вы примите свое решение. Вы видите его по телевизору, улыбаетесь и смотрите на то, как медленно отрастают его коротко остриженные волосы (результат теперь уже его восстания). Его улыбка, его речь… он как всегда немножко импровизирует. Вам не терпится услышать его точку зрения, как всегда правильную
Он знает, что ты будешь смотреть его по телевизору. Ваши родители тоже прекрасно понимают суть этого бизнеса, и понимают в коком дер**е вы оба оказались. Во время промоушена вы поговорили с режиссером предыдущего проекта. Вы решили больше не притворяться и не скрывать свои чувства. Она вас прекрасно понимает и сочувствует вам. Она видела вас с самого начала и пыталась удержать вас, пока вы не разобрались со своими чувствами. Она знает, что вы никогда не относитесь ни к чему поверхностно. Еще она знала, что даже будучи такими молодыми вам нужно было время, чтобы найти себя, но еще она видела чувства, которые день ото дня становились все крепче.
Вы поехали в Японию на очередной промотур. Но в этот раз тур был без ограничений и вы взяли своего брата, так как вам сказали, что вам не следует путешествовать одной. Но опять, как девочка-подросток вы не можете справиться со своими чувствами. Голова снова кружится…Вы видите ЕГО, и все вокруг исчезает. Весь вздор исчезает, вся эта ложь, ложь для СМИ. Вы хотели говорить правду и все объяснить…Но был бы от этого большой толк?
Все становится на свои места. Вы честны с ним, а он честен с вами. Вот самое главное, правда?
перевод LittleGirlMolly
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Hey vs, love ya babe - but can't disagree with you more on this one little point/theory. I think neither Rob, nor Kris, were ever 'afraid,' of Summit. Like Rob's sisters say, he's b-allsy, and pretty fearless. I don't think he's a man to ever be cowed, and certainly not as it pertains to a young woman he loves.
It wasn't a case of being afraid, i would pressume Rob knew what he wanted and wanted to go and get it but contracts and threats reigned him in and tied him down, something the young man dislikes intently. Don't be surprised that after the twi saga is over that you will not see him working for summit anytime soon. RM although was a script he read and wanted to do, prior to finishing twilight, it was summit that bought the rights was the thing he disliked intently as well, considering he had talked in great length with the producer and director who had eyes on another studio to make it....
dont be fooled by the whole 'this studio is not big enough to do things like that' It's hollywood darlings and people spend the majority of time buying and selling favours, studios small or large do it all the time - lawyers and well placed publicists run most of the hollywood royality it has always been a seedy place of buying and selling, Rob's career is one in a million that get manipulated on a daily basis. Trust me when i say CH#'s threat about Rob and jailbait did not come directly from her mouth but was handed down to her. ========================================================================================================
angelsslave - your posts are becoming legendary! I had tears in my eyes by the end of it! Only curious of 1 or 2 things: you seem to overcome VF08 w/all its "saucyness" (sp?). Where exactly wld you place it in yr story? Thx in advance!
LOL i didn't skim i just gave you a glossary a sort of hypothosis of what could have happened. If by what you mean the vanity fair photoshoot, a lot of sexual overshadowing is seen in that photoshoot. the flirtation and the closness the kiss and the messing around is only successful down to the fact that Kristen was still 'working with the emotions she had from making twilight' and most likely felt overwhelmed with those emotions. Look how eager Rob is to put his hands on Kristen VF/Empire shoots, it is Kristen that is more resiliant in giving anymore than she could at that point. Yes she knew Rob was attracted to her, possibly thought to herself 'why is he?' she doesn't and still doesn't see herself the way he sees her. For him she is the epitimay of all things beautiful she was definitely in the overwhelming gawky stage of adolenscent to adulthood and hadn't a clue just what she was capable of.
She knows now LOL comes from being in a relationship where the male has indeed brought out the inner beauty she never thought she was. Remember she has grown up around males all her life with the exception of her mum who for all intents and purposes is a bit of a tomboy herself. Kristen has always seen herself as 'one of the gang' comfortable in hanging with males, shooting some hoops and generally mucking around and never really gave any thought into looking pretty for a man who liked her. This you could see in the early stages of their relationship but that was a hint Rob enjoyed talking about. He liked the fact she was so unassuming of her looks, considering LA is all about looking good and dressing for the part - look at Nikki Reed as an example. Kristen was the beauty and she didn't even know it.
I saw a shyness in Kristen during the VF shoot, as she has said herself she hasn't been one to be comfortable wearing dresses and high heeled shoes - still isn't but she has got better at it, mainly due to the fact she knows someone appreciates her when she dresses up and shoes of those long legs.
Amoured by his attention but scared sh*tless in how to respond to it. Many people forget that she was just 17 when she met him, a baby in all senses of the word. She may be wide eyed when it comes to her career and sure of her goals and know what she wants but matters of the heart...clueless. ============================================================================================================== Thx again! Sooo...you don't go w/the flow that given the intensity of their looks and flirtatiousness (sp?) they shld, cld, wld hv some sort of intimacy prior to that? Am I annoying you? I hope not! I really really want to hv the full picture...and you're certainly giving this to us... You're a blessing, doc!
Intensity doesn't blow hot and cold. You can't get worked up about someone and then walk away - that is callous and it's playing with someone's emotions, Kristen nor Rob are like that he has made it very clear in his interviews which have been more open and honest than kristen's (early days) Kristen had a lot more to loose by confessing everything some people latch onto what a person is saying and believe it whereas i watch the facial expressions with interest. When kristen explains that Rob is a good buddy a good friend she fidgets (uncomfortable) because it's not the truth. The whole idea being planted that Michael was her boyfriend was only on paper i would have taken more interest in seeing her face when she says this, then of course there were countless articles where she just said 'my man' the girl is talking like a twentysomething female not a young 18 year old. As i said she has life experience in her work but not in life. There were others where she just said boyfriend, there was no emotion at all in her voice, no suggestion he is the love of her life.
I know others will argue this 'but it was a high school crush and so on' Look i am not putting my ideas into anyone's heads i am speaking psychologically from a mind and hearts point of view. I can look at a person when they are speaking, give them pre planned answers that receive a response and know when they are lying - my job in life is to help break down barriers physically and emotionally and help the healing process. My thoughts when i read someone when they are speaking is a plethoria of emotions can make that answer be seen one way or the other, it's all about the facial responses and there are 26 facial responses/expressions on your face that give a different answer to what your mouth is saying.
Kristen and Rob were flirtatious yes, very much so. Rob knew how to get certain responses out of kristen and vice versa. By the VF shoot in september they had already met up from the hiatus between twilight and promotion, kristen had finished WTTR's and was knee deep in promotion for twilight as he was. I did say if you recall they would have both understood that the emotions they had felt during the movie, the feelings that they suspected where from the intensity of their roles were still there.
While Rob would have been happy to throw himself into it, Kristen because of her confused emotions was more reluctant.
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Эй, неверующие, люблю вас, но не могу не согласиться с вами с одним маленьким уточнением/теорией. Думаю, ни Роб, ни Кристен не «боялись» когда либо Summit. Как говорят сёстры Роба, он настойчивый и довольно бесстрашен. Я не думаю, что он тот человек, который когда-либо был запуган, и, конечно, не тогда, когда дело касается молодой леди, которую он любит.
Это не тот случай, когда боятся, я бы предположила, что Роб знал, чего он хотел и хотел пойти и получить это, но он находится во власти контрактов и угроз, которые связали его, что так люто ненавидит молодой человек. Не удивляйтесь, если после Сумеречной Саги вы в ближайшем будущем не увидите его совместной работы с Summitом. Хотя, он и прочитал сценарий «Помни меня» и хотел сняться в нём, до окончания Сумерек, Summit выкупил права на те вещи, которые он так не любит, решив, что он офигительно долго разговаривал с режиссёром и продюсером, которые присматривались к другой компании, которая сделает это…
Не позволяйте ввести вас в заблуждение тем, что «эта компания не настолько большая, чтобы делать такие вещи*». Это Голливуд, дорогие, и люди проводят большинство своего времени покупая и продавая; компании, большие и маленькие делают это постоянно: квалифицированные публицисты и юристы работают с голливудскими знаменитостями, хотя это всегда было гиблым делом для купли-продажи. Карьера Роба- одна на миллион, и основана на ежедневном манипулировании. Верьте мне, когда я говорю, что Робу угрожают их отношениями и «несовершеннолетний» не звучит прямо из её рта, но волнует её. *под «Такими вещами» в статье подразумевается полное и безоговорочное подчинение пунктам контракта. ===================================================================================================== Ангелочки- ваши посты становятся легендарными! К концу у меня наворачиваются слёзы. Только пару любопытных вещей: кажется, вы забыли про «жгучий» Vanity Fair/08 (написала правильно?) Где точно вы разместите его в своей истории? Заранее спасибо!
РЖУНИМАГУ, не буду бежать впереди паровоза, я просто подкину вам идейку о том, что могло бы произойти. Если вы имеете в виду фотосет VF, в этом фотосете полно сексуальных затмевающих видов, флирта и близости поцелуя, и возня вокруг подтверждает тот факт, что Кристен всё ещё «работала с теми эмоциями, которые она приобрела снимаясь в Сумерках», и скорее всего, она была перенасыщена теми эмоциями. Посмотрите, с какой страстью Роб кладёт руки на Кристен в фотосете VF/Empire, Кристен более жизнерадостна, выкладываясь по-полной. Да, она знала, что Роб был увлечён ею, и возможно, спрашивала себя «Почему он?» она не думает и всё ещё не видит себя такой, какой он видит её. Для него она во всех проявлениях прекрасна, хотя она определённо, в большинстве своём, была неуклюжа на этапе перехода из юношества во взрослую жизнь и он понятия не имел на что она была способна. Она знает, что сейчас РЖУНИМАГУ находится в тех отношениях, когда мужчина действительно показал ей внутренний мир, о котором она никогда не думала, что он есть. Вспомните, она всю свою жизнь провела среди мужчин, исключая маму, которая из лучших побуждений немного сделала себя пацанкой. Кристен всегда воспринимала себя «своим парнем» комфортно взаимодействуя с мужчинами, проказничая и круша всё вокруг, и никогда реально не задумываясь о том, чтобы выглядеть привлекательно для мужчины, который любит её. На ранней стадии их отношений вы могли видеть это, но это был намёк на то, что Роб наслаждается, говоря об этом. Ему нравилось то, что она была скромна в своём стиле, учитывая то, что в ЛА все помешаны на том, чтобы хорошо выглядеть и модно одеваться: посмотрите для примера на Ники Рид. Кристен была красавицей, и даже не догадывалась об этом.
Я видела робость в Кристен во время съёмок VF, как она сама говорила, она была единственной, кому неудобно было носить платье и высокие каблуки,всё ещё неуютно чувствуя себя в них, но она стала относиться к ним лучше, главным образом потому, что она знает, что кто-то заценит её в платье и её длинные ноги в туфлях.
Заинтригованная его вниманием, но до чёртиков напуганная тем, как реагировать на это. Многие забывают, что ей было всего 17, когда она встретила его, и она была ребёнком во всех смыслах этого слова. Она может трезво оценивать ситуацию, когда дело касается её карьеры и поставленных целей и того, что она хочет. Но когда дело касается сердца…она невежественна. ========================================================================================================= Спасибо ещё раз! Итаааак… ты же не будешь утверждать, что с учётом их внешнего вида и ярко выраженного флирта, они ДОЛЖНЫ БЫЛИ, МОГЛИ, БУДУТ, ИМЕЮТ определённую близость до этого? Я надоела тебе? Надеюсь, что нет! Я действительно очень хочу получить полную картину происходящего…и ты, конечно же, всё нам расскажешь… Ты благословенна, док!
Яркая выраженность (прим. пер- поведения) не отдает горячестью или холодностью. Вы не можете работать с кем-то, а потом просто взять и уйти- это бессердечно и это заденет чьи-то чувства, Роб, в отличие от Кристен, очень ясно дал это понять в своих интервью, которые были более честными и открытыми, чем у Кристен (ранее). Кристен потеряла намного больше, признаваясь всем, что некоторые люди зациклились на том, кто что говорит и верят этому, в то время как я с интересом смотрю на выражения их лиц. Когда Кристен объясняет то, что Роб хороший парень и хороший друг, она ёрзает на месте (ей неудобно), потому что это не правда. Вся загвоздка в том, что Майкл официально был её парнем, и я бы с большим интересом посмотрела бы на её лицо, когда она говорила это, конечно есть множество статей, в которых она говорит просто «мой мужчина» как женщина в двадцать с хвостиком, но не как восемнадцатилетняя девушка. Как я сказала, у неё есть жизненный опыт в работе, но не как не в жизни. Были и другие (интервью), где она просто говорила «парень», но не было никаких эмоций в её голосе, никакого намёка на то, что он- любовь всей её жизни. Я знаю, кто-то скажет, что «но она же была подавлена обучением в школе и всё такое». Послушайте, я не навязываю свои мысли кому либо, я рассуждаю психологически, опираясь на разум и сердце. Я могу посмотреть на людей, когда они говорят, и предугадать подготовленные заранее ответы, которыми они будут отвечать, и я знаю, когда они лгут- моя работа заключается в том, чтобы помочь разрушить эмоциональные и физические барьеры и помочь процессам исцеления. Мои мысли, когда я читаю о том, кто что говорит, насыщенны эмоциями, что позволяет посмотреть на ответ с разных ракурсов, но это только касается ответов выражением лица (мимика) и есть 26 мимических реакций/выражений вашего лица, которые дают отличные (~другие) ответы от того, что говорит ваш рот.
Да, Кристен и Роб флиртовали, очень много. Роб знал как вытянуть из Кристен некоторые ответы и наоборот. В сентябрьском фотосете VF они встретились после перерыва в съёмках Сумерек и промотура, Кристен закончила съёмки в ДПкР и была поглощена продвижением Сумерек, так же как и он. Говорю же, вспомните то, что они оба поняли, что эмоции, которые они испытывали во время фильма, чувства, которые ярко выражены в их ролях, всё ещё здесь (то есть они чувствуют то, что испытывали в фильме до сих пор).
И пока Роб был бы счастлив окунуться с головой в эти чувства, Кристен, из-за своих противоречивых эмоций, была более сдержана.
Перевод DarlingSunLight
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
part two...the first part is several pages back with many typos oh dear i was still half asleep when i wrote it LOL.
New Moon When you do decide to take that plunge you do so with uncertainty caused from years of guarding your own feelings and emotions, pouring that pent up frustration into your work, but could you do both? Was he willing to take the hard-nosed professional and all that is left behind? Again you are flung into uncertainty but feel that it’s a willing challenge as long as he understands this. Once more everything you are about to embark on throws up many questions and obstacles – namely the company you are working for and their strict rule that governed both of you in the first place but can you deny what it feels like to be with him, spend time with him just the two of you? You decide to take things slowly at first, remain hidden until you understand each other’s feelings completely but this is not without raising suspicion. You find yourself bombarded with new emotions, new feelings you had never discovered before. Just being with him wasn’t enough, you wanted everything and he made you feel wanted. He felt exactly the same way but knew you both had to play it cool, act professional around each other even though your personal lives had become very intense and intimate, you felt it could be seen on your face and it was. Questions asked and answers denied you remained the same even though inside you weren’t. The next project resumed and some believed it was like the first but it wasn’t the feelings no longer raw were more intense and physically challenging. Separation was another issue – separate locations added another level of frustration and annoyance, you would both get through this you had to in order to survive and continue with what you really want. It was impossible but you succeeded to show a face to those around you that was the same but people had already began suspecting from the year before and keen eyes and plenty of time to observe brought new attention upon you. You leave briefly to commit yourself to promoting another project and once more you are forced to live a parallel life with a person you were linked to ‘publicly for work purposes’ but feel it’s unnecessary but go through with it even if you know it will raise eyebrows, people who had begun following your life and career had already suspected it was not the real truth behind your eyes – some people are just too perceptive for their own good, not that you minded but the game was already getting very stale. Your family knew the score they were your greatest supporter and welcomed any decision you made with trepidation mainly for your heart to be in the right place. your decisions are not met with everyone’s enthusiasm as was the case when you had to face the company you work for and be told once again the rules that govern your decisions the reason for all the ‘warnings given’ both of you fight against the restraints, fight against all the rubbish that is thrown at you, age – career – success all those words didn’t mean a **** thing to you. Youth meant you had to be careful, unfocused success meant he was forbidden to over step the mark, success in the projects you were tied to mean an unsuccessful relationship could play havoc with the remaining that you had been contractually obligated to, but no one thought to stop and think of how you both felt in all of this. The worse laid plans are those where people decide your life is worth playing around with, worth using you for their advantage. The company refused to acknowledge you are with the one you want to be with, your ***** where riding on a franchise that needed the success of your work to entitle the company a successful turnabout – prove that despite their less than stellar failures in other areas this was one franchise they were willing to sell you to the devil in order to win. So you put up with the pony show, accepted the whole need to prove you were not dating, rumours surfaced which before hadn’t annoyed you of another tryst, an affair with another member of your project even though you knew it not to be true it was out there for everyone to read. You voice your annoyance but it falls on deaf ears all but one set. So a game is hatched in which the rumours would be nipped quickly in the bud, of course this followed close behind by some revealing information about yourself and your now boyfriend, this is retaliated by sending up to the place you are working the person that is the centre of all of this, a person you had known for some time and had willingly gone along with what had been offered initially because it meant your name would not be sullied in gossip pages but now you are faced with the guilty feeling of not wanting to do this, not wanting to be part of this whole charade that some people were eating up like the best ice cream sundae they had ever tasted. You reluctantly go along; he is kept out of the picture by being removed from the situation. A weekend is hatched in which you had to make yourself available for, some of your co-workers were heading home for the weekend so this was a prime opportunity for some well-placed publicity shots. You dislike it, he dislikes it and feels it’s going too far for him to try and accept. You understand this and know that it’s killing him inside because he would rather be seen with you than have you go through a public display of false happiness when the real truth was staring people blindly in the face. You are also faced with the possibility that someone close to the action is feeding information out to the public; it’s brought to your attention but you refuse to believe someone would do that to you or him for that matter what did they hope to gain. The company were confident they would steer the attention away from you and him and onto someone else and that hurt you more than you thought it possibly could. Once more a diversion was put in place and thankfully for your part in it was none existent. If anything he was so sure to not have you affected in any way he made sure that any publicity about his private life, remained private, even though some people chose to believe he was someone who took relationships flippantly, you knew the truth and that was all that mattered. Work was easy, the rapport you had with him hadn’t changed that it only got stronger. The script you had to go by was more intense calling for more emotions to drag yourself into and experience with total abandonment. It was easier because he was on the same wavelength as you and it made the whole experience so much more enjoyable. A birthday was approaching another one only this time you were willing to throw yourself out of your teenage years and embrace adulthood. Maybe people would finally start taking you seriously, you were not a child and had not been one for so long because the adage of growing up around older people made you accept that childhood was something you embraced with family but your family had always been what location you were working at or what people you met that influenced your life. Fingers were being pointed at one person and although he had been the one to point it first you were alarmed by so many others who had felt the same way. It didn’t help that the finger pointing was also coming from a public place, a public source who felt the need to tell everyone else of what had been done. You felt betrayed, this was one person whom you had got on so well with, had known the person you had grown up around and had given you some insight into what was waiting for you out there that you had missed working from a tender age. You also felt humiliated because you had told this person your deepest darkest secrets and had been rewarded with what you had thought was the truth, sometimes your perception of one person can be switched off due to loneliness and need for friendship. Of course the one person who had mattered who had tried to let you know as gently and as protectively as he could had been right all along – he had a clearer insight into what was going on, having been involved in a lot of what had been rumoured and suggested. This cut you more and when it came to a confrontation you decide that it’s not worth getting angry at, after all you had willingly accepted being manipulated in the same way to show the world a side of you that didn’t exist but you allowed words to be exchanged, he had that right, he had that privilege of airing his views and they didn’t go down well. You couldn’t look at her, the pain was not that bad but the embarrassment and disappointment held you tight. You would not make that same mistake again. When the air is cleared you are forced to swallow down a panic, press attention made you feel constricted what do you do? Face the media and have the rumours resurface once again, be seen as someone who was two timing her boyfriend with someone else, one was the real one and one was the fictional one but which would the media choose as the wronged one? Would you be willing to allow this and accept the consequences because you knew there would be many? By his side you would be seen by many as the right one and to others as the devil reincarnated. You know full well the mass hysteria that follows him around, the people who want a piece of him and see him as an opportunity to seize that chance, the last thing they needed was your name connected to his, wasn’t that what all the headaches and agro was about, the constant reprimands to ‘stay away and act professional?’ Instead you stand beside him and try and look strong, try and act as if nothing has happened, two friends spending time with each other and going back to your respective hotels, only you are standing outside his… Tricky It doesn’t matter anyway by the time the tell-tale photos emerge there is whispered conversations of what went down inside the bar already surfacing people making it publicly known what took place, the altercation the throw down of words and the immediate exit of one who later would decide to publicly denounce her involvement in your lives by stating she was ‘taking herself out of the love triangle’ it makes you laugh even though it is now up for public consumption – there never was a triangle. So she had a moment of clarity could she go with being seen in public with him and not have to constantly look over her shoulder? She knew this was what he wanted he hated having to hide his feelings but was just as unenthusiastic about ‘selling his relationship with her’ to anyone whose business it wasn’t. So with tentative steps they began to be seen out more and more together, no longer having to hide having dinner or watching a band together. The interest in them had picked up and as per warning the company decided that this was going against all they were warned not to do. He was just as rebellious as much as she was, if not even more so as he refused to be spoken down like a child so when he had to leave for work purposes they had already got wind of what the company were about to do again. She knew this was the last time, deep down inside she knew this pretence she could not keep up with anymore and neither could the one person whose job was to make it appear everything was alright between them. It was a settlement that allowed the other person to walk away, she trusted him and knew he would never tell a soul, after all it was only for her that he allowed himself to be manipulated but if it safe guarded her ‘name’ and protected her salacious comments aimed in her direction then he gratefully did it, only for her. But she wasn’t a kid anymore; she didn’t need protection and knew she could handle anything that was thrown at her. The show was set up, they took their positions like the professionals that they were and played out their swan song for the photographers in position. It was so easy for her to fall into character and make believe things are happening, this was one of those times that proved how good she had got in covering her emotions and plastering on fake smiles, fake emotions but even that was hard. She knew this would hurt the one person who was so important to her, having to play this pony show was exhausting and she’d had enough. Ending it was easy, saying goodbye wasn’t so hard it’s not as if anyone got hurt from it was it?
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Returning to what she had was more important, more real than any fake showmance she had taking part in. From then on in she drew a line in the sand and prepared herself to cross it repeatedly. From then on in she knew that bending the rules came with consequences but she was tired of doing what she was told for other people and not doing anything for herself. When it came a time that they purposely went out on a date with her brother tagging behind for extra cover, so that there would be no scandal worth talking about, it wasn’t the ‘being seen’ that was the problem it was what they were doing when they thought they weren’t being watched that caused the biggest stir. She was slowly being ingrained into the familiar of who he associated with, those closest to him, those that have never let him down and those that have treated him no different than what he was before all the fame and notoriety. This she had never experienced this before, anyone she knew was in the ‘business’ and anyone outside of that had treated her like a social leaper so finding people with similar interests was a challenge she enjoyed. More and more people took interest and with that more and more people had an opinion. While she put her head down and focused on her work it was her ‘relationship’ with him that caused the biggest stir. With each venture into the night photographers met her at every corner, try as she might to ignore them they became an ever increasing nuisance she could well do without. Concern of this kind of ‘interference’ is what they freely and openly talked about, insecurities made them less in need of the attention that was drawn around them but to be true to themselves it had to be worth the fight to put up with it. Challenges met them in the shape of time spent apart. This was their job and this is what they had also needed to prepare for. While the cogs of the industry whirled around them, so did the pressure of getting another project funded and made. She was to embark on a transformation that was both thrilling and scary while he embarked on a movie that would see him dipping his toe into the unknown world outside the little bubble they had created for themselves. It was a crossroads they were willing to cross, while the end of the second project together was getting closer so were how they felt for each other. No longer needed to skulk around they preferred getting to and from their hotel rooms under cover of the dark and with that allowing security to know what was happening. As his birthday approached so was the expectation of his parents visiting, a scary combination for someone who had met them before but under different circumstances, this time it was more official more ‘set in concrete’. When it was done it was seen more of an official confirmation than anything else and this hung on the tail of their first trail by separation while he had to perform a duty in another country, she would stay behind and continue working. Their co-workers had finished their end of the project and said goodbye to one another as they headed off to their respected lives, she and he parted ways for a short time while he went on another engagement to France she stayed behind to finish up her end of the project. Simple a few days away from each other wouldn’t be that bad would it? How wrong could she be, something so significant in his life, a chance to rub shoulders with movers and shakers, a chance to gather some funding for his next project but there is always somebody somewhere willing to make something out of nothing. Truth be told she most likely had expected It sooner rather than later, it just came from a place she least expected it. True she was fully aware just how many wanted his attention, needed to prove something, a chance meeting which would lead to an encounter which they would gladly sell for attention, she just didn’t expect it to be tied to a person she one time called a friend. Despite the raised eyebrows it did incur – none of it meant anything. Little did some naïve people know or want to understand communication was the key to the success of any relationship ‘don’t lie to me and you won’t cause me to judge you’ of course there was no chance in him lying to her. She had been proven time and time again of his inability to lie to her, to anyone because his face could be read like a book and he didn’t believe in being dishonest – that he had proven time and time again to his own cost. So despite what was being said about him, she knew for a fact it was all completely wrong and misrepresented. Her time apart from him only enforced just how much they had begun to mean to each other so when it came to reuniting again a few days later, it was made all the sweeter of the absence and reinforced just how much they had begun to depend on each other. The project was almost over, they had other obligations to fulfil including an award ceremony which neither had any assumptions as to what would happen. Finishing the project was bittersweet. It was the ending of a time that had changed both their lives, a storyline harder than the first one but together they had done it and moved a step closer in completing the goal, the contract set out for them. As they came back to everything and everyone to experience an award show that would see them winners in all sense of the word, to stay somewhere private that was exclusively booked for them for a bit of privacy and to then have to part from each other while they both concentrated on other projects, she was overwhelmed by everything. How soon had it come that she had to face the faceless people sitting around and judging her, collect for her contribution to her work the career that had up until now been something she struggled to uphold and move forward with, now she was receiving accolades for it – had all that time finally paid off? To receive awards for having to work the magic of smoke and mirrors and pretend she was stepping in someone else’s shoes and experiencing someone else’s romance but stand opposite him and make believe that it didn’t affect her, that only because of her complete trust and understanding of each other, the unspoken emotional bond between them is what made the first project possible. How else could they have won if not for how they felt for each other, how they seemed to click, like two pieces of the same cloth, like two sides to the same coin they found a middle and stuck with it. When it came to saying goodbye to him it was impossible. She tried telling herself it was just for a few months they would be apart. He would be too busy with his own job and she needed the focus on hers but little did she expect it to be so hard, so painful, and so emotional for both of them. It was hard enough even though she knew this happened all the time and people survived her overactive hormones where telling her something completely different, even though they had gone through this before but that was when they were nothing but unresolved tension, unexpected feelings and pent up frustration now it was emotionally tearing and devastating pain that they both felt and didn’t want even when they knew they would be in contact with each other every day. Just seeing the pain in his eyes reflecting her own made her understand the depths they had falling to – how deep they had both got in such a short space of time. It would be hard to be apart but she was assured they would make it work and they did. Despite the distance, despite the rumours that seemed to dodge him every day she never lost faith. They communicated every day; every moment apart was filled with messages both via the phone and via email contact. She knew every moment of every day without him as he relayed all that happened, even when the media tried to make out a serious accident had taken place while he was at work she knew from his own lips that there was nothing to worry about. Even when his work was plagued with people itching to get close to him, to offer him something they were more than willing to give him no matter the cost, she could see through it and it only made her attitude stronger. He wouldn’t desert her, he wouldn’t betray her, and he didn’t want anyone else. This was proven when things became too much, when the absence was too painful, he came to her. She had been able to move undetected to him but it was the fact that when rumours decided to raise their ugly heads, when the company decided to try and create this false image of him being single and available that he decided that this would not be the case. Allowing a photograph of himself during one of his travels to her put to bed the idea he was romancing his co-star, a woman who was not without selling the image to better her own. She felt an ounce of sympathy for her; she knew how hard it was to cut a deal in Hollywood but doing it through PR was something she was very aware of and knew it only ended badly. Her own demons came in the shape of making something believable from a person’s life. Her hard work meant changing her image. Her change of image provoked all kinds of noise some good some bad but she didn’t do it just to seek others approval, she did it because it felt real and the more real she could get close to the part the better. She was never one to do a part by half she needed to feel all of it, immerse herself inside the persons skin, that was after all how she had successfully provided believable work that had paid off in the end landing her some notable parts. When she was done with that, when he was done with his they found the absence wasn’t as painful as before, but found the time apart had only reaffirmed once more just how much they meant to one and other and that closeness, that intimacy, that feeling of needing the other never changed and remained the same.
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Hey Angel, loved your previous post -- this particular point re afraid, was being used to explain Rome, and while I have no doubt that at some point Summit and CH said that about jail, and her being a minor, to Rob so he'd back off from Kristen, while filming - we were talking about what made Rob so sullen in Rome. IMO, Rob was trying a new tactic with Kristen to MAKE her essentially make up her mind to be with him. I disagreed, and still do wholeheartedly, that he was acting that way due to some external influence or pressure (like Summit) that told him to. No one could make Rob NOT interact with Kristen, or not even look at her (!!)
I do agree with you to the extent that he was 'fed up' with the pony show he was in the middle of and saw from the sidelines just how people influenced what was being seen by the media and by others who believed the media. I do agree that he needed Kristen to sit up and listen, to take him seriously, take his emotions seriously and how he felt about her. Up until then she had laughed a great deal off and was influenced by other people's opinions and didn't consider his or her own. The photograph of them both on Halloween that was released a few weeks ago lends to that idea. Both are sitting together pretty close but have very serious faces as they sit and talk. This might have been a fly on the wall moment for anyone who would have been sitting close to hear what was being said. For Rob to lay his heart on the line was indeed being 'ball-sy' in laying the truth out there, give the reasons to his feelings and hope she would not stamp all over his heart.
Kristen needed a wake up call, a sort of push in the right direction. He had made up his mind now all he needed was for Kristen to do the same ======================================================================== R/K .:: Falling even more in love with you ::. > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dzMFMZEKyQ > > Wow, Fiorels, Even more better than ever...Nice > waking up to this before heading off to work...
Here's the kicker - they started it all as friends and that friendship grew a very strong bond and at first that was more than anyone could imagine because it built a foundation for everything to fall into place. He might have been attracted to her in the physical sense at the beginning but because of the time limit they had and were able to sit around talking to each other, getting to know each other the physical was replaced by the emotional connection and the emotional connection developed much deeper. That's why he had such a hard time letting go, some relationships are formed physically and they tend to die out very quickly when the physical becomes mundane and always there.
The essential rush of chasing and conquering is good while it lasts but once you catch that person the thrill of the chase dies. The fact Kristen held off like she did, didn't take him too seriously made Rob work much harder to try and catch her. Add to that the 'boyfriend' situation no matter what it was didn't help him one bit. He would have known it wasn't this 'serious' bond between them and therefore worked even harder because he would have known the turning point, when Kristen started showing she was interested but was still reluctant to let go and just 'go for it' so the chase was more challenging.
As he says in that lovely video 'when you really love someone' meaning that it's not just a physical relationship you are in but one where you are at a loss when they are not around, that you think about them and miss their company, miss their voice and their little things that make you smile - when you are not just pinning after the sexual end of your relationship then it makes their absence so much harder when they are not around.
When you look at what they went through making RM and TRA during the summer of 09, you could tell they both were missing one another, especially Rob because of the constant attention on his movie set you could tell sometimes when it had become too much for him, in the quite moments when he wasn't filming he looked so lost. Kristen didn't have the constant attention on her set so she could hide a lot more - hence i believe the decision to 'not see each other physically' while working so they could concentrate on their movies was broken fairly early on and they fairly early on realised that 'this was a big deal' they had both fallen very deeply and this wasn't just a 'hook up' like so many tried to say it was.
Of course it wasn't a hook up for them, they had both some time to think about this (Rob chasing Kristen and she constantly running away and hiding because she was afraid) and to know that when they decided to get together it was a very powerful decision for both of them.
After all she is very much by nature someone who throws herself into something deeply and a relationship that was both scary and thrilling to decide should she just 'do it' would have been something that played heavily on her mind for some time. She would have wanted to make sure the feelings were real and that they weren't just for 'sexual gratification' but much, much deeper.
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Анализ аудио комментария к Затмению от angelsslave - часть 1
Thoughts concerning the leaked DVD ‘Eclipse’ commentary with Rob and Kristen
Before I go anywhere with my thoughts I just want to clear up a few things. In any kind of thought process or analysis you are looking for what is there and not what you think is there either in photographic evidence, video evidence or in this case, voice recorded evidence.
For those that believe their relationship is fake or of a PR nature, then they should listen to this commentary in its entirety and then clear their head of any hateful jealous thoughts and just take it for what it is. The vast majority of the commentary is mostly personal rather than professional. If you hadn’t been told that Rob is in LA and Kristen is in Canada you would think they are sitting beside each other, with the exception of Rob stating it’s harder for him to talk to her because of the distance.
So sit back and I will give you my honest opinion of how they are reacting to each other.
Rob and Kristen – Eclipse behind the scenes commentary
They start off the Introduction with Rob commenting after Kristen explains she is ‘harbouring a little hostility’ because he has gone and eaten a burger from a fast food place and he explains he has another one with him. It sounds pretty candid but why harbour ‘hostility’ over a burger? Maybe she is hungry and hearing he has food with him makes her hungry or the very fact he is doing something very mundane like getting something to eat from a food outlet they both like, or is she subconsciously harbouring hostility because he is in Los Angeles, enjoying a much earned break from working practically back to back on movies and she is now in Canada working minus him?
For me it was a simply case of look at the situation, both are doing a commentary of a movie they had done together and can’t see each other to gain the others perspective. Speaking via a link into the two studios and watching the movie not together is harder to actually judge the other persons opinion. As Rob says ‘it’s going to be awkward’ he prefers speaking to Kristen face on so he can gauge her reactions but she is not there. They have spent time apart before but this is a personal thing they are doing together in separate continents she is Canada and he in the United States. Add to the mixture that she is working and he is not, she is not there with him so there is that underlying absence of the other, so Kristen uses the hostility card over a cheeseburger when clearly it’s not food she is missing or craving but Rob’s company.
One thing you do pick up immediately is their humour. Rob has the uncanny sense of just coming off with comments, sarcastically like ‘this scene is irrelevant because we’re not in it’ that in itself makes Kristen laugh because it starts the conversation off with regards the movie but at the same time he has the ability to make her laugh, something in the twilight commentary was there but it was more muted as if he was afraid to just be himself, he had to at times sound and act professionally around Catherine who was sitting in with them. This time around you get a feeling of relative normality as if they are sitting watching a movie themselves and picking it apart because of its cheesiness. The kind of thing a couple do when a movie comes on they have seen before, but the conversation is light hearted and fun.
Rob: “You do a different thing when you get bitten by a vampire…” Kristen: “Shut up!” Rob: “And it’s a lot sexier” (Laughter)
Quite a few so far have commented on this and a lot of them are on the mark. Now depending on how you look at it, was Rob referring to when James bit Bella in Twilight and she cried out and gritted her teeth? The time in the horror movie synopsis, where Bella is bitten by Edward in her dream, when you see her arch into his bite and he turns to the camera with blood dripping down his chin, or was it when Edward had to suck the venom back out of Bella’s wrist and she is writhing on the floor with her eyes crossed in as if she is having some kind of seizure or ****** because as we are told it’s like the most extraordinary euphoric feeling for a vampire and in some cases quite erotic for the one they are biting hence the whole ‘sexy vamp luring the female into submission’ or possibly the one where again in a kind of dream Edward seizes Bella during the Biology class and bites her as she grabs hold of his wrist to pull him off her as he has gone in for the kill and ends up in the BTS footage with grabbing her right breast in the struggle?
I would like to think Rob is referring to either one of the times (we know of) during Twilight were he had to bite her and she responds to him. His thoughts are that when she does it she is a lot sexier than writhing around on the wet concrete screaming her head off into the darkness. Very much a personal reference there to how they react around each other and with Kristen’s giggled ‘shut up’ she is hinging on embarrassed here that he has brought this up during a taped commentary they are doing.
I personally think he’s referring to the one where he has to suck the venom out of her wrist and she is writhing and twisting on the floor looking up at him cross eyed because that is the one occasion were you can see her and hear her as he is trying to save her life.
His giggle is quite infectious.
There are so many hints of embarrassed or shocked reflection in this audio. Random thoughts dropped in here and there and of course Rob’s very reserved view on the kissing in the movie. I don’t know many other people’s views on how they perceive Robert but from the standing that he is quintessentially English and as a nation we are pretty reserved on our thoughts about movies where there is a lot of romance in them. Yes I know look at the movies he has done so far, the amount of kissing in them would turn poor Cedric Diggory’s ghost in its grave but we are talking about how much this comes across in his personality. He is referring to parents bringing their kids to see this and if they asked him he would say ‘don’t’ simply because of the adult theme in the movie – it shows you that he may come across very open minded and very liberal about most things in life, deep down inside he can be reserved and judgemental. Add to that, that he is watching tender scenes between himself and Kristen as Bella and Edward and this would also add to the absence of not being with each other at this point.
Bella: “You know two out of every three marriages end in divorce?” Rob: “No they don’t!” (Laughter)
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Перед тем, как я глубоко погружу вас в свои мысли, я хочу кое-что прояснить: в любом анализе вы всегда заглядываете в суть вещей, а не ищите там подтверждения своих мыслей с помощью фото-, видео- и аудио-доказательств.
Для тех, кто верит, что их отношения - это подделка и в их основе лежит пиар, пусть послушают эти комментарии целиком, а потом прочистят свою голову от завистливых мыслей и просто примут все, как есть. Большинство комментариев имеют личный характер, а не профессиональный. Если вы еще не в курсе, то Роб в это время находился в Лос Анджелесе, а Кристен была в Канаде, но вам может показаться, что они сидят рядом, если не считать высказывание Роба о том, что ему трудно разговаривать, когда они находятся на расстоянии друг от друга.
Итак, устройтесь поудобнее, расслабьтесь, и прочитайте мое объективное мнение об их реакции друг на друга.
Роб и Кристен - Комментарии к "Затмению"
После небольшого введения в начале комментариев, Кристен говорит, что она "немного зла", потому что Роб пошел и съел бургер из местного фастфуда, и у него с собой есть еще один. Это звучит довольно искренне, но почему вдруг она "немного зла" на бургер? Возможно, она голодна и от того, что она слышит как он шелестит едой, ей еще больше хочется есть. Или на это повлиял тот факт, что он делает что-то настолько простое как пойти и съесть что-то из того, что они оба любят. Или же она подсознательно злится потому, что он находится в Лос Анджелесе, наслаждается заслуженным перерывом в работе, а она в Канаде, снимается, и его нет рядом?
Для меня достаточно было простого взгляда на ситуацию со стороны, чтобы понять, что оба они комментируют фильм, в котором снимались вместе, а теперь не могут увидеть друг друга, и посмотреть на ситуацию на экране с другой перспективы. Общаясь по телефонной связи, находясь в разных студиях и смотря фильм не вместе, тяжело обсуждать чужое мнение. Когда Роб говорит, что "это будет очень странно", это означает, что он предпочитает говорить с Кристен лицом к лицу, потому что так он может оценить ее реакцию, но в данном случае она не рядом с ним. Они провели время в разлуке перед этим. А сейчас происходит очень личный процесс, который они совершают, находясь в разных уголках континента: она - в Канаде, он - в США. Добавьте в эту смесь еще и то, что она работает, а он нет, она не с ним, а там, где его нет. И тогда становится ясно, что дело тут не в еде, а в том, что она скучает и очень хочет оказаться рядом с Робертом.
Единственная вещь, которую вы схватываете моментально, - это их юмор. У Роба есть сверхъестественная способность просто отрываться от всей души во время комментариев, иногда с сарказмом как в случае с репликой "эта сцена не важна, потому что нас тут нет". Это само по себе веселит Кристен, потому что разговор о фильме начинается с подобных слов, но в то же время это он ее смешит. Что-то подобное было и в комментариях к "Сумеркам", но там все было более сдержанно, как будто он просто боялся быть самим собой и должен был вести себя профессионально рядом с Кэтрин, которая комментировала вместе с ними. В этот же раз возникает чувство относительной нормальности, как будто они сидят вдвоем, самостоятельно смотрят фильм и разбирают его по кусочкам. Что-то вроде обычных вещей, которые делают парочки, когда смотрят фильм, который они уже видели, но беседа получается легкая и веселая. Роб: Что только тебе не приходится делать, когда тебя кусает вампир. Кристен: Заткнись! Роб: Намного более сексуальные вещи. (смеются)
Многие уже прокомментировали и отметили этот диалог. Но как вы думаете, Роб вспомнил тот момент, когда Джеймс укусил Беллу в "Сумерках", а она надрывалась от крика сквозь сжатые зубы? Или ту небольшую врезку я-ля фильм ужасов, где Эдвард кусает Беллу, когда она прогибается под его укусом и он разворачивается на камеру с окровавленными губами? Или тот момент, когда Эдварду нужно высосать яд из запястья Беллы, а она корчится на полу, закатывая глаза, как будто у нее какой-то приступ или ******? Потому что, как мы уже говорили, для вампира это экстраординарное чувство эйфории и в некотором смысле эротичный момент, особенно тогда, когда речь идет о сексуальном вампире, соблазняющем подчинившуюся ему женщину. Или еще один вариант - что-то вроде мыслей Эдварда о том, как он хватает Беллу во время урока биологии и кусает ее, сильно притянув к своей груди, а она тянется к нему, чтобы оттолкнуть от себя, и все это на закадровых съемках заканчивается тем, что в пылу борьбы он хватает ее за правую грудь?.. Мне хотелось бы думать, что Роб вспомнил каждый момент времен "Сумерек", где ему надо было укусить ее, и это вызывало у нее ответную реакцию. Он думает, что когда она делает так, это намного более сексуально, чем корчиться на мокром бетоне и пронзительно орать в темноту. Очень личный намек на то, как они взаимодействуют друг с другом. И то, как Кристен хихикает, это ее "заткнись", говорит о том, что она в этот момент смущается темы, поднятой во время записи комментариев.
Лично я думаю, что о он подразумевал момент, в котором он должен был высосать яд из ее запястья, а она корчилась на полу и смотрела на него снизу вверх, скосив глаза, потому что это единственный момент, где вы видите и слышите ее, в то время как он пытается спасти ей жизнь.
Эти хихикания довольно заразные.
В этом аудио очень много намеков на смущенную или шокированную реакцию. Тут и там случайно оброненные мысли и, конечно же, очень сдержанное мнение Роба о поцелуях в фильме. Я не знаю, как люди воспринимают и чувствуют Роберта, но я исхожу из того, что он типичный англичанин, а эта нация достаточно сдержанна в своих высказываниях о фильмах, где есть много романтики. Да, я знаю, что если бы Седрик Диггори увидел фильмы, в которых он снимался до этого, он бы перевернулся в своем гробу из-за такого бешеного количества поцелуев. Но мы говорим о том, насколько это в характере Роберта. Он упоминает родителей, которые приводят своих детей на фильм и, если бы дело касалось его, то он не стал бы так делать из-за взрослой тематики фильма. Это говорит о том, что, несмотря на то, что по жизни ко многим вещам он может относиться спокойно и либерально, в глубине души он будет сдержан и склонен к критике. И еще вспомните, что он наблюдает в этот момент за очень нежной сценой между ним и Кристен в роли Эдварда и Беллы, и это вернет вас к мысли о том, что они вынужденно находятся в дали друг от друга в данный момент. Белла: "Ты знаешь, что два из трех браков заканчиваются разводом?" Роб: Ничего подобного! (смеются)
перевод Tasha
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.
Again this has been picked up by many and I have a feeling that so much of this audio rides on the side comments they both give to the movie and not the ‘professional aspect’ of what they are supposed to be doing. Okay the character is referring to her argument as to why she believes they shouldn’t get married. Of course Edward comes off with a much sweeter line but its Rob’s very clear disagreement in the audio that raises eyebrows. Most will know he comes from a very conservative family and has been blessed with parents that had stayed together and brought up three children so his views are very much biased on that. Kristen is the same, she too has come from a family where her parents are still together and managed to raise two kids of their own as well as foster others within a safe and secure family unit so it’s Rob’s point of view of marriage we like to address. As most will know it’s no secret that he went around after Kristen when they were making Twilight asking her to marry him, he also referred to her at times as his fiancé or wife. Even on the New Moon set others made comments that he would go around asking where his ‘wife’ was or Kristen would ask where her ‘husband’ was so clearly marriage is very much on his mind. Add to that his random views on wanting to get married young and have a family so he is very much marriage and family geared in his own mind.
Never let it be said that when a man has the thought of getting married and settling down, instead of going out and enjoying his single life, he has already found the person he wants to settle down with.
Rob refers also in the commentary of doing this scene in rehearsal and how easy it was for him and then he catches himself on and quickly adds he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
His reflective tone is very clear; the proposal scene where Edward asks Bella to marry him (twice) is a very tender moment at the beginning of the movie. Edward knows what he wants, he has settled to marrying the girl who has changed his life and has become so much more to him than anything he has ever known. Now all he has to do is change her views on marriage, accept his proposal and they can live forever. The rehearsal of it is simply that, asking her to marry him. Rob stating it was so easy doing this, the words came out so naturally for him again tips the hat towards the foundation of thoughts that have or do go on between them. The natural feeling that passes between them during this scene adds depth to the emotions of their characters. Have they gone through this exact scene in real life?
Judging by Kristen’s nervous laugh and clearing of thought that she only does when she is nervous, I would have to say that this is a definite yes. Again his reference to a lot of kissing in the movie that makes him uncomfortable.
Rob: “Oh, this scene we had burger king…” Kristen: “No, that’s not really what happened…”
This particular part of the audio has a lot of mis-mashing around, possibly because the person who recorded it only put pieces together that had any relevance to what people wanted to here but it starts off with Rob commenting on the denim jacket his character was wearing and then goes on to once again trying to compliment the wig that Kristen unfortunately had to wear because her hair was too short and of course Kristen believes its hideous. When you are making a movie you are seeing it totally one dimensional as you are in the middle of it all, but once you step away and can see it objectively as everyone else sees it, then you will of course pick it apart. We hear Rob’s constant appraisal of the wig, trying to compliment it on Kristen while she believes she looks like Jacob. Then in the next second Rob (thinking of his stomach) refers to having Burger King which has to be brought in from California because he mentions a Canadian ‘thing’ that no one ate and how they ended up with the food they ate. Random references to food once more which is so funny considering the scene that is taking place has little if no reference to eating apart from Charlie asking would Bella be ready for dinner and the airline ticket that’s nearly expiring…
Once more the conversation takes off on its own in a relaxing setting of two people just having a conversation in a normal situation.
When he talks on he stops and asks for pieces to be cut out, he obviously believes he is just rattling on with not a great deal to say and Kristen calls him back twice on it. The part with the reference to Bella wearing a Bikini and Kristen disagreeing because ‘they would never allow Bella to wear a bikini’ is reference to the studio not allowing her to wear one or would it be a big reveal on Stephenie not allowing Bella to wear one because she is 18 and very shy and conservative about exposing skin especially around Edward, considering just how liberal Renee is about that. Then he goes on once more with a movie reference and quips for them to ‘cut that bit out too’
The sunglasses reference again, you get the feeling that he is teasing her with things he sees and she is not there physically to justify why this or that happened. You get a very nervous laugh and cough from her which he catches onto straight away hence he laughs. It must be really easy in his mind to make Kristen uncomfortable, not in a horrible objective nasty way but enough to make her squirm in her seat and have her justify why something happened or the type of accessories or wardrobe that was chosen for her role as Bella. The whole quilt audio is very much like that, with Kristen once more telling him to ‘shut up’
She does this spontaneously, it’s a word she uses not in a sarcastic sense as some people think she has but very much like a flippant comment, meaningless other than a word she uses by way of ‘stop it you’re embarrassing me’ roughly translates to ‘shut up’ They both have used this to each other without it causing offense. Rob is by far the worst person to shock or embarrass Kristen and he knows she doesn’t take his comments seriously because he is always messing around and coming off with comments. People should listen and watch a person’s body language or hear a person’s response before jumping to conclusions and believing they are being horrible to one and other.
Love that Rob calls it a ‘Rug’ yet another cheeky comment
Again, when Rob is commenting on Kristen’s performance she gets embarrassed and ‘shushes’ him. We know by now that Kristen doesn’t take compliments very well. Just look at her during twilight when Rob confessed that ‘Kristen was the best actress of their generation’ it’s hard for her to take compliments from him mainly because he is so close and it almost sounds as if he is being biased blowing her trumpet for her ‘oh he only said that about you because you’re together’ which is not what she wants out of all of this. But he is not doing that, he does genuinely believe she is far greater a performer than she takes credit for and has no worries or concerns letting people know. Part of it also, referring back to the MTV movie awards this year where he ‘thanked her’ in his speech calling her the ‘linchpin of the whole series’ i.e. the one person holding everyone else together. It was a very dominant referral to Kristen and how she alone holds the responsibility of the movies success, yet she looked marginally embarrassed and rolled her eyes at his comment. He knows she doesn’t take praise very well yet he is willing to ‘put himself out there’ to give her praise. It also proves without a doubt that in any compliment he will come off with, he is very proud of her, despite her ‘shushing’ him.
the people that are meant to have forever will always be there, no matter what.You have to let people go sometimes, because it's what they need, but still trust that if it's meant to be, it'll be.